Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and Park


Let the small folk run free is this peaceful urban oasis. Ranked the World’s Top City Garden by National Geographic, the intricate space has pagodas, winding covered walk ways, a jade green fish pond  with koi,  150-year old miniature trees and tai hu rock all imported from China.

Admission includes free Chinese tea and a scavenger hunt for kids old enough to participate. The adjacent Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park is a public space that shares the same fish pond and is free to explore.

578 Carrall Street, Vancouverchinesegarden.com

Read the full Small Folk Travel Vancouver Guide.

Image: Caitriana Nicholson

About author

Small Folk Travel

Small Folk Travel is a family travel site by mama and travel writer Taraneh Jerven. The Jerven family (two toddlers, one bun in the oven) travels incessantly. When researching our trips, we couldn't find the family travel coverage we were looking for. We did our own research. We wrote the family travel guides ourselves. Taraneh Jerven writes for international travel publishers including RoughGuides.com and DK Eyewitness Travel. We cover good stuff for discerning parents and their little ones. Often these overlap. If they don't, we take turns.

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