We travel pregnant for business and pleasure. Knowing how to communicate you’re pregnant is useful on the road.
Say you’re not showing, you need a seat on metro, you’re ordering in a restaurant, shopping for stinky cheese in France and want a pasteurized product, or describing symptoms to a pharmacist. You need to alert someone you’re harboring a tiny fugitive.
Here’s a fun cheat sheet with 13 practical and metaphorical ways to say “I’m pregnant” in five languages.
Je suis enceinte. I am pregnant.
Je suis plein. I am pregnant. (colloquial)
En cloque. Knocked up.
Avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir. To have a marionnette in the drawer.
Tomber enceinte. To fall pregnant.
La grossesse. The pregnancy.
Ich bin schwanger. I am pregnant.
Einen Braten in der Röhre haben. A roast in the oven
Sono incinta. I am pregnant.
Sono piena. I am pregnant. (colloquial)
Una pagnotta nel forno. A bun in the oven.
Estoy embarazada. I am pregnant.
Estou grávida. I am pregnant.
Lead image: suzie_s
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