Pregnant travel – 13 ways to say knocked up around the world

bun in oven

We travel pregnant for business and pleasure. Knowing how to communicate you’re pregnant is useful on the road.

Say you’re not showing, you need a seat on metro, you’re ordering in a restaurant, shopping for stinky cheese in France and want a pasteurized product, or describing symptoms to a pharmacist. You need to alert someone you’re harboring a tiny fugitive.

Here’s a fun cheat sheet with 13 practical and metaphorical ways to say “I’m pregnant” in five languages.


Je suis enceinte. I am pregnant.

Je suis plein. I am pregnant. (colloquial)

En cloque. Knocked up.

Avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir.  To have a marionnette in the drawer.

Tomber enceinte. To fall pregnant.

La grossesse. The pregnancy.


Ich bin schwanger. I am pregnant.

Einen Braten in der Röhre haben.  A roast in the oven


Sono incinta. I am pregnant.

Sono piena. I am pregnant. (colloquial)

Una pagnotta nel forno. A bun in the oven.


Estoy embarazada. I am pregnant.


Estou grávida.  I am pregnant.

Lead image: suzie_s

About author

Small Folk Travel

Small Folk Travel is a family travel site by mama and travel writer Taraneh Jerven. The Jerven family (two toddlers, one bun in the oven) travels incessantly. When researching our trips, we couldn't find the family travel coverage we were looking for. We did our own research. We wrote the family travel guides ourselves. Taraneh Jerven writes for international travel publishers including and DK Eyewitness Travel. We cover good stuff for discerning parents and their little ones. Often these overlap. If they don't, we take turns.

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