Since the traditional Paris market Les Halles marché is now a shopping mall, your best alternative is the large, vibrant Marché Bastille. Hundreds of food stalls sprawl along Boulevard Richard Lenoir. Bread. Fromage. Organic produce. Wine. Cakes. Free range birds. Sausage. Hot lunch. Oysters. Handicrafts. Russian dolls. Fake designer handbags. Artisan jewelry. Flowers, flowers, flowers.
Take your time. Practice your French. Ask about how to prepare your seasonal goods. Take unwanted advice from other shoppers. Argue. Have fun doing it. Have your kid hold the money or the shopping bag. Get more snacks. Then continue on foot with your picnic supplies to nearby Place des Vosges in the Marais.
Boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011
Read the full Small Folk Travel Paris Guide.
Image: Taraneh Jerven
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